My proposal for an updated lobby of the Biograph Theater — cleaning up its current hodgepodge of paint colors and providing bold, clean wayfinding graphics in line with the theater’s other visual branding.

My proposal for an updated lobby of the Biograph Theater — cleaning up its current hodgepodge of paint colors and providing bold, clean wayfinding graphics in line with the theater’s other visual branding.


Victory Gardens Theater Interior Branding

Category: Environmental
Client: Victory Gardens Theater (proposal)

The interior of the Biograph Theater no longer includes any elements from its historic past — a 1980s renovation of the storied theater clad the entire space in bad carpeting and acoustic ceiling tile.

When the theater was converted to a live performance space in 2006 by Victory Gardens Theater, the lobby was given another complete makeover. It was a big improvement from the 1980s version, but included a jarring patchwork of paint colors. This effect was worsened over the years by a gradual inclusion of large wall graphics with “paint brush” and “weathered” texture motifs, poorly placed wayfinding signage, and temporary paper signage for restrooms and coat check.

Though not currently implemented, I created renderings for various, low-to-moderate budget solutions for improving visitor experience. These include a bold, black / white / orange paint scheme reminiscent of the theater’s print branding, relocation of wayfinding signage, and large door graphics for restrooms and coat check.